Thursday, 25 August 2011

Memories shared at Talei's memorial, Izzy Appleyard

Talei and I first met when she was 13, and I, 12, in Scott House, the boarding house where we spent five fantastic and unforgettable years at Cranbrook School. With our mutual love of dancing, music and generally being young and silly teenagers, there was no doubt that we were going to be the best of friends. Talei impressed me with her stories of the Bahamas, her amusing ‘like wow oh my God that is so totally awesome’ American accent of the time, her house situated in both Canada and New York simultaneously (!) and quite importantly, her ENORMOUS CD collection. We spent many an evening making up dances together, listening to our favourite songs on repeat, writing out rap and rock lyrics on our homework diaries during prep time, dressing up in all sorts, teasing each other about boys, talking all night and making up rhymes when we couldn't get to sleep.

Prep diary lyrics
Dressing up in Scott

On occasion, talking at night past our official 'bed time' got us in to trouble with the housemistress, who punished us by waking us up early in the morning and getting us to pick up litter from the fields and sweeping the front yard! But even the chores and punishments, were turned into fun and laughs with Talei, when us Scott Girls were all in it together.

As we grew from girls to young ladies at Cranbrook, passing school exams, then going off to University and living and working in London, not much changed between us. We lived life together, even when apart. Throughout the years, our love of dancing progressed from making up Britney Spears routines in the boarding house bedrooms and performing in annual school dance shows, to dancing the night away in London clubs (Kensington Roof Garden was the favourite – and sadly also where we spent our last night out together). Our love for music progressed from rewinding our favourite bits of Backstreet Boys songs and singing in house music competitions (notably Walking in Memphis, You’ve Got A Friend, Tears in Heaven!), to going to gigs and working at music festivals. Our exciting adventures were no longer limited to Cranbrook and the green fields of Kent, but instead we explored London and many countries of the world together.

Janet Jackson dance - Cranbrook Fashion Show 2002 

Blaque dance - Cranbrook Dance Show 2004

Night at Roof Gardens (the night we drank with Prince Harry!)

One of the many things that made Talei truly special was her ability to make friends with anyone and everyone, and her willingness to give anything a go. She would say ‘hell yeah’ to anything and always be up for coming to see random bands and art exhibitions, to staying up all night watching back to back episodes of the OC (marathon session at Ed Gildeh’s house), camping in fields without tents, crowdsurfing to the front of stage at Offspring (Reading 2002) and even escaping the boarding house the night before a GCSE History exam to attempt to get into a Lenny Kravitz gig in London, which she didn’t even have tickets for! Leaving us to cover for her and Sophie, handing school uniforms through the window the following morning! (Does that make you think twice about sending your kids to boarding school? Well it definitely shouldn’t!)

I will be forever thankful to Talei as she has been my companion for so many adventures whilst growing up. She's been my partner in crime, fellow dance lover, music and culture appreciator, a patient listener, even like a replacement boyfriend at times, but most of all, she was like a sister to me. Her family is my family, my friends, her friends - and vise versa. I really feel like even if not of the same blood, we were made of the same essence.

For ten years of my life, Talei was an influential part of almost every memory of mine. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have experienced half of the brilliant things I have in life and wouldn't have grown up to be the person I am today.

Thanks to her I was honoured with the incredible experience of drinking kava and incredible nights of dancing whilst celebrating Christmas in the most beautiful island in the world, where she will now lay to rest in the gorgeous sunshine, amongst the clear turquoise seas. 

Fiji 2004

Talei, you will be a part of me forever and will live on in the hearts and memories of all who knew you. I will never forget all the times we had together, it's just devastating that there couldn't have been more. But be things as they will, and I will be eternally grateful that you shared so much of your wonderful life with me.

Rest in peace lovely.

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